03.07.2024 PhD regulars' table
- https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/en/lewi-en/scientific/gradcentre/during/events/2024/phd-stammtisch
- 03.07.2024 PhD regulars' table
- 2024-07-03T19:00:00+02:00
- 2024-07-03T23:59:59+02:00
- When Jul 03, 2024 from 07:00
- Where Prater Biergarten, Kastanienallee 7-9, 10435 Berlin
- Contact Name Dr. Julia Klauder
The doctoral student representatives of the Faculty of Life Sciences, the topic cluster "Life in Transformation" and HU Docs e.V. jointly invite you to the PhD regulars' table. This is a great opportunity to connect with other doctoral candidates, establish new contacts, and share your experiences, ideas, and challenges during your doctoral journey.
Also students interested in pursuing a doctorate are welcome to join, as they can engage with experienced doctoral students and gain insights into the life of a doctoral candidate.
Registration is not necessary.
Details for the Stammtisch:
- What? PhD Stammtisch
- When? Wednesday, 03 July 2024, 7 pm
- Where? Prater Biergarten, Kastanienallee 7-9, 10435 Berlin