Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural & Life Sciences
Looking for career options after your doctorate? And not sure what is “out there”? With this series, we would like to offer an opportunity for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics. You will meet former PhD candidates who will share with you their experiences including ups and downs looking for a job. PhD holders from academia, industry, science communication, politics, public and health sectors, education and more will show you the broad range of potential careers after a doctorate and give you inspiration for future career choices. We will have plenty of time after each talk for questions, discussion and networking.
Date: On the 2nd Thursday of every month, 5 – 6 pm
Location: Online
Next dates
► invited by IMPRS for Biology and Computation
- Doctorate in Bioinformatics
- Position: Forensic DNA Scientist at Polizei Berlin
Speaker profile of Dr. Lam-Ha Ly
Access link:
Meeting ID: 663 6335 0356
Passcode: 202669
► eingeladen vom Graduiertenzentrum Lebenswissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Docotrate in Agricultural Sciences
- Position: Bioinformatics scientist at MGI
Speaker profile and access link will follow soon
Former guests
► invited by Graduate Centre Life Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Doctorate in Psychology
- Teamlead project manager research analytics development at krisenchat
► invited by CompCancer
- Doctorate in Physics
- VDI/VDE-IT and Ministry of Education and Research
Speaker profile of Dr. Dirk Ziemann
► invited by Berlin School of Integrative Oncology
- Doctorate in Biology
Position: Venture Mananger at Life Science Valley
Speaker profile of Dr. Edgar-John Vogt
► invited by Graduate Center at the Dept. of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
- Doctorate in Chemistry
- Position: Project Manager at GreenCHEM (state-funded)
Speaker profile of Dr. Suvrat Chowdhary
► invited by Graduate Center at the Dept. of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
- Doctorate in Biology
- Position: Research Funding and Information Officer at the FU Berlin
Speaker profile of Dr. Vivien Lortzing
► invited by Graduate Center at the Dept. of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
- Doctorate in Biochemistry
- Position: Manager at Biotech company PureTech Health, Boston
Speaker profile of Dr. Sven Dethlefs
► invited by Graduate Centre Life Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Doctorate in Psychology
- Position: Postdoctoral researcher at HU Berlion (main host),
University College London (UCL) and Dartmouth College as research stays within the
Fellowship (DAAD PRIME)
Speaker profile of Dr. Magdalena Matyjek
► invited by Graduate Center at the Dept. of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
- Doctorate in Neurogenetics/ Biology
- Position: Medical Science Liaison Manager (MSL) at Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH
Speaker profile of Dr. Christine Beuschel-Dang
► invited by the Graduate Centre Life Sciences at HU Berlin
- Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences
- Position: Analyst at Climate & Company
Speaker profile of Dr. Sofia Helena Zanella Carra
► invited by PharMetrX
- Doctorate in Pharmacy
- Position: Head of Hospital Pharmacy at Havelland Kliniken GmbH
Spreaker profile of Dr. André Schäftlein
► invited by IMPRS for Infectious Diseases and Immunology
- Doctorate in Pharmacy
- Position: Head of QA Systems and Data Review at VirusSure GmbH
Speaker profile of Dr. Eva Boritsch
► invited by Graduate Center at the Dept. of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy at Freie Univeristät Berlin
- Doctorate in Biochemistry
- Position: Senior Partner at Catenion
Speaker profile of Dr. Markus Thunecke
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The event series is jointly organized by:
Berlin School of Integrative Oncology
Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Graduate Center Adlershof (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Graduate Center BCP (Freie Universität Berlin)
Graduate Centre Life Sciences (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Graduate Program "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology"
IMPRS for Biology And Computation
IMPRS for Infectious Diseases and Immunology
Integrated Research Training Group of TRR 227: Ultrafast Spin Dynamics (Freie Universität Berlin)
International Research Training Group 2662: Charging into the future