At the Beginning
1. (Online) Learning Agreement "Before" and Certificate of Arrival
2.1 Things to check in advance
2.2 Overview of classes you can take
2.3 Classes at SprachLit Faculty - Three Steps for Class Selection
2.3.2 Course Catalogue (AGNES)
2.3.3 SprachLit Course Confirmation
2.4 Classes outside your Course(s) of Study at SprachLit Faculty
3. Class Registration on AGNES
4. Complete SprachLit Course Confirmation and (Online) Learning Agreement "During"
5. Accommodation for Disabilities and Psychological Help
1. (Online) Learning Agreement "Before" and Certificate of Arrival
1.1 (Online) Learning Agreement: Before the Mobility
If your home university requires you to fill out an (Online) Learning Agreement: Before the Mobility, please use their form and put in your preliminary class selection. Please note that the course catalogue for HU is usually online by September for Winter Semester and by March for Summer Semester. If your home university needs the (O)LA before the course catalogue is online, you can use the course catalogue from the previous Winter/Summer Semester to fill it out. Please list all of the classes you intend to take at HU (also classes from a second course of study if you are matriculated in it as well as Language courses or Berlin Perspectives courses).
If you are taking complete modules (with exams/grades), please find instructions on how to fill out your (O)LA here.
Please put in all of your personal information and put Saskia Asmus as the responsible person at the receiving institution. You can find her information under “Kontakt & Sprechzeiten.” For the semester dates, please put the dates from the lecture period and not the semester dates. You can find an overview here. As start date you can also put the date of our in-person orientation event if your home university allows it. We confirm the actual start/end date of your mobility with the Certificate of Arrival/Departure.
Please send your filled out LA Before to so that we can sign it digitally. If your home university only uses the Online Learning Agreement, please send it to Saskia Asmus (
1.2 Certificate of Arrival
For Summer Semester 2025:
- The start date for Summer Semester 2025 is April 7, 2025. (the date of the in-person orientation)
- If your home university asks for the start of regular classes: it's April 14, 2025.
- We will create a Certificate of Arrival for all students. This will be sent to you by e-mail after April 7.
- Exception: Participation in an intensive language course before the start of the semester: In this case the start of language course is also start of your Summer Semester 20225. If you are taking part in a language course, please send us an e-mail ( with the start date of the course and a course confirmation (e.g. registration, bank transfer, confirmation of enrolment).
- If your home university doesn't accept our form, please send us the form provided by your home university to get it signed. Please fill out the form beforehand!
- The start date for Winter Semester 24/25 is 8. October 2024. (the date of the in-person orientation)
- We will create a Certificate of Arrival for all students. This will be sent to you by e-mail after 8. October.
- Exception: Participation in an intensive language course before the start of the semester: In this case the start of language course is also start of your Winter Semester 24/25. If you are taking part in a language course, please send us an e-mail ( with the start date of the course and a course confirmation (e.g. registration, bank transfer, confirmation of enrolment).
2. Class Selection
2.1 Things to check in advance
2.1.1. Course(s) of Study - are you enrolled in the right one?
You can only choose classes from the course(s) of study you are matriculated in!
Bachelor’s students can be matriculated in up to two B.A. courses of study. Please note that there are several different German B.A. courses of study (focusing for example either on literature or on linguistics), thus, please make sure that you choose the correct one(s).
Please note that if you want to be matriculated in a second course of study at another faculty, you must contact the respective Erasmus+/International Coordinator and ask if they accept you. They will also guide you in your class selection and how to receive your Transcript at the end of your mobility since we are only responsible for Incoming Students at the Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities.
Master’s students can only be matriculated in one M.A. course of study.
Please note that as a B.A. student you cannot take M.A. classes and vice versa.
If you want to change your matriculation (within our faculty), please e-mail us.
(Please click on the following text to either view the Courses of Study for B.A. or M.A. at Our Faculty!)
Department of German Literature |
Department of German Studies and Linguistics |
Department of English and American Studies |
Department of Classical Philology |
Department of Romance Literatures and Linguistics |
Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies |
Department of Northern European Studies |
Department of German Literature |
Department of German Studies and Linguistics |
Department of English and American Studies |
Department of Classical Philology |
Department of Romance Literatures and Linguistics |
Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies |
Department of Northern European Studies |
Courses of Study that don't belong to a specific department or are coordinated by several departments |
2.1.2. Check with your home university if you need to take exams/grades
Please note that HU has no requirements on how many classes you must take/how many ECTS you must receive or whether you must take exams. Please check with your home university. Incoming Students usually take 20-30 ECTS per semester.
Since students do not need to take an exam in every single class at HU, please check with your home university if you only need to receive ECTS (pass/fail) or if you need to take exams and receive grades – this is important for your class selection.
ECTS only: You can choose any single classes from the Study Guide for the course(s) of study you are matriculated in. If you do all the required work and attend regularly, you will receive the ECTS for that class and “pass” will be marked on your Transcript.
Exams and grades: When choosing your classes, you must follow the module structure, which can be found in the study guides we provide courses of study at the SprachLit faculty. Only when you take the module according to this structure can you take an exam and receive a grade at the end. Please note that this grade then counts for the whole module. If you fail the exam but pass the individual classes, you will still receive the ECTS and a “pass” for those individual classes, but there will be no grade and no extra ECTS for the exam.
2.1.3. Teaching and Practical Programs
Please not that Incoming Students cannot take classes/modules from the teaching program/didactics (Lehramt). Please check with your home university which other classes you could take instead.
Incoming Students also cannot take classes from the Praxismodul/Praktikum of any course of study.
2.1.4. You Can Only Do Each Module Once
Please note that you can only do each module once. This is also the case for students who stay two semesters – you cannot do the same module again that you have passed in your first semester. You obviously also cannot do the same class twice in different modules.
Please note that all Incoming students must follow the rules of the study regulation/guides. No individual agreements with instructors are allowed, e.g. receive additional ECTS for additional tasks, change the exam type etc. Even if the instructors offer it, it is not possible. If you try to do it anyway, it will not appear on your Transcript.
2.2 Overview of classes you can take
- Classes from your course(s) of study (at SprachLit faculty)
- Regular modules / single classes
- Special modules (if available)
- In case of second matriculation at another faculty (only B.A.): classes from your second course of study
- Courses from the Überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich (= üWP)
- Language courses from the Language Centre
- Berlin Perspectives courses
First we will explain the class selection for classes in your course(s) of study at SprachLit faculty. After that you will find more info about the other classes.
2.3 Classes at SprachLit Faculty - Three Steps for Class Selection
The following infos are only for selection of classes from your course(s) of study at SprachLit Faculty:
- Regular modules / single classes
- Special modules (if available)
In general, the class selection for courses at SprachLit faculty consists of these three steps:
1. Check the Study Guide for your course(s) of study at SprachLit faculty
2. Check Course Catalogue (on AGNES) for available classes for your semester
3. Put selected classes on SprachLit Course Confirmation (only for classes from SprachLit faculty)
2.3.1 Study Guides - Check possible modules / classes
In our Study Guides you can find an overview of possible modules /classes in your course of study. Study guides are available for most courses of study at SprachLit faculty. For some subjects without guides, the study and examination regulations must be used.
The Study Guides give an overview which components you need for each module (how many seminars, lectures etc.)., including info on the final module exam (MAP) and ECTS.
► You can only take modules / courses listed in our Study Guides for your course of study!! So please only use our study guides to for the first step of class selection at SprachLit faculty. (Please note: You find the üWP classes from SprachLit faculty on AGNES. Only the classes offered in the üWP section of the course catatlogue for each semester are üWP classes!)
► Depending on what you need you can choose differently from our Study Guides:
- You can choose whole modules and get ECTS + exam/grade
- Or you choose single classes, if you don’t need exam/grades. Then you will just receive ECTS for completed classes.
► Study Guides of Academic Year 2024/25 (Only for students of Winter Semester 24/25)
► Special Modules for B.A. Exchange Students
The faculty offers special modules for exchange students for some courses of study. You can find the special modules directly in the Study Guides.
While some classes within these special modules are only taken by exchange students, in general, the special modules have the same classes as the regular courses of study, they just have another module structure that better suits the needs of Incoming students. Due to that they are usually very popular.
Please always check the course catalogue (AGNES) if all components of the special module are offered, otherwise you unfortunately cannot take it this semester.
2.3.2 Check Course Catalogue on AGNES
In the course catalogue you can find the courses offered in the respective semester, sorted by modules. The course catalogue is listed according to faculties, departments/Institute and courses of study/study programmes.
You can find the course catalogue on the platform AGNES.
On the left-hand side, at the top of the menu, you can select the semester of the course catalogue. You can also change the language settings to English, but some info may still be in German.
In the menu on the left side you will find the category "Vorlesungverzeichnis" (course cataloque). After that click on “Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät” and then on the department your course of study belongs to. Next you choose the study level (BA/MA) and finally your course of study and the respective modules.
The with the info about the module structure you got from the Study Guide, you can select the classes to correctly complete the module. Please note that often you do not need to take all classes listed under a module on AGNES but you must choose from them. For example: If your Study Guide says for module X you should take one lecture/VL and one seminar/SE (and have a final examination e.g. written/oral, tem paper). Then you check the course catalogue for this module. They might offer one lecture/VL and three seminars/SE. You will select the lecture and one of the offered seminars.
If you click on the classes, you fill find more information (class type, description, time and place etc.). Please note that if AGNES says a class is from 2-4 p.m. then it actually is from 2:15-3:45 p.m. Thus, you always have a 30-minute break between classes. Furthermore, it is your own responsibility not to choose classes that take place at the same time – you are responsible for your own schedule.
2.3.3 Put on SprachLit Course Confirmation
After choosing classes/modules with the help of our Study Guides and the Course Catalogue on AGNES you put them on your SprachLit Course Confirmation (= SprachLit CC).
You will use the SprachLit CC throughout your exchange semester and only for classes from SprachLit faculty. This document is used internally at SprachLit faculty and is obligatory in order to receive your Transcript of Records from SprachLit faculty after your semester/stay at HU-Berlin.
► You can find the PDF template here. Please use Adobe Reader to fill out the SprachLit CC.
► How to fill out the SprachLit CC:
On the first page, fill in the your student information, including details about your stay at HU-Berlin (e.g. course of study, level of study, semester). Please do not enter your HU e-mail address as your e-mail address, as this will be deleted at the end of your stay and you will no longer be able to access it. Therefore, use an e-mail address that you use regularly, e.g. your private e-mail address or at your home university.
Please You also enter information about your sending institution, especially the name and contact of your departmental coordinator. Will will send your Transcript of Records via e-mail to the person you listed there. So make sure you list the correct coordinator.
On pages 2 and 3 you will list the courses / modules that you will attend at the SprachLit faculty. You enter the courses of a module according to the module structure of the Study Guides. Enter the course number, course title and lecturer as you have selected them in the course catalogue (AGNES) for your semester. The ECTS for the entire module are added automatically after entering the ECTS per course. A total of all ECTS is also automatically calculated on the last page.
- If you need exams / grades: you select modules with all their components. Please fill out one table per module on your SprachLit CC.
- If you only need ECTS (no exams/no grades): You can choose single classes from modules. Instead of module title at the top of each form, you can write "Single Classes / Einzelkurse" and list your selected classes below. It can be helpful to add the module number in brackets after the course title. In the field for exam type, select ‘no exam’.
- If you are unsure if you need a grade: choose complete modules with exams (you can always drop the exams). But please remember to let us know about changes!
Regarding exam type term paper: We advise you to not choose more than 1 or 2 term papers as exams per semester!! (They take more time, usually have different deadlines, which could result in delay for receiving your transcript) If possible choose exam forms!
Please make sure that you fill out the table completely with all relevant info/courses. Otherwise, we cannot check it. And remember that you have to check that classes don't overlap!
► Examples for SprachLit CCs: Please check the Zoom recording or the slides from our online orientation meeting (topic class selection) on 26/02/2025! >> Info Sessions
► For questions regarding your SprachLit CC, make use of our online consultations via Zoom >> for dates and times check Kontakt & Sprechzeiten
► If you don't take any classes at SprachLit faculty:
- You don't have to fill out a SprachLitCC
- But please inform us via e-mail, that you won't take any classes at our faculty!!!
2.4 Classes outside your Course(s) of Study at SprachLit faculty
All Incoming Students can also choose from the following:
- Language Courses at the Language Centre
- Berlin Perspectives Courses
- Überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich
Please always verify with your home university if you can take these classes (if you can get them recognized for your studies at home).
2.4.1 Language Courses at the Language Centre
All Incoming Students can take Language Courses at the Language Centre, which always include an exam and a grade. Please check their website to find information on the classes they offer and when/how to register for them.
Please note that these classes are typically very popular, so be quick when registration opens.
GERMAN COURSES OF STUDY: If you are matriculated in one of the German courses of study, you can take a German language course for free during the first semester of your mobility at HU. If you have further questions, please contact
2.4.2 Berlin Perspectives Courses
All Incoming Students can take Berlin Perspectives Courses offered by HU International Campus, which always include an exam and a grade. Please check their website to find information on the classes they offer and when/how to register for them.Usually you should be able to register fro Berlin Perspectives Courses on AGNES.
Please note that these classes are typically very popular, so be quick when registration opens.
If you have any questions, please contact or
► You can find the Berlin Perspectives classes for Summer Semester 2025 here.
2.4.3 Überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich (üWP)
In order to foster versatility and interdisciplinarity, the üWP is implemented at HU so that students can also take classes and receive ECTS in other courses of study that are not their own.
All Incoming Students can take max. 2 üWP courses /modules per semester from the üWP of another course of study (it cannot be the course(s) of study you are already matriculated in). They can be from the SprachLit faculty, but other faculties or central institutions as well.
ÜWP courses can either be single classes or whole modules. Usually there will be information on AGNES if you should take whole modules or not.
Please note that you can only receive ECTS for üWP classes but not take an exam and thus not receive a grade. You must also always check with the instructors if they can offer you a spot in their class.
► You can find the üWP-classes for Winter Semester 2024/25 here.
► You can find the üWP-classes for Summer Semester 2025 here.
► Please put these classes as “Single class (üWP)” on your SprachLit CC.
2.4 Overview - What to put on which document
SprachLit Course Confirmation | Erasmus+ (Online) Learning Agreement |
3. Class Registration on AGNES
Once we have confirmed your preliminary SprachLit CC and after our in-person orientation event, you must register on AGNES for your classes until October 9 (Winter Semester 2024/25).
For that you need your HU Account. If you do not have your account yet, please contact
Please note that class registration is not “first come, first served” but random selection.
To register for classes, please proceed as follows:
- Log into your HU account.
- Click on “course catalogue/Vorlesungsverzeichnis” (make sure that you selected the correct semester at the top left).
- Click on the class you want to register for.
- Please select a “group/Gruppe”. Sometimes you can choose between different groups which are different time slots. Please note that sometimes classes takes place more than 90 minutes per week – then it automatically selects both groups if you click on one.
- Then click on “Register now/sign off“.
- Make sure that the correct course of study is selected above (if you are matriculated in two courses of study). For some exchange students it shows a study regulation from 1999 – do not worry, this is correct. Sometimes it asks you to select an order of preference or write a note to the instructor; you can do so, but there is no guarantee that this will be taken into consideration.
- Click on “Register lectures”.
- Click on “schedules” and check if it says “AN” (registered) for your classes. Please do not worry if it later shows a “?” – it is just important that it says “AN” when you first register for it.
If you want to deregister from a class, please click on “schedules,” and then “sign off” and confirm it.
If Registration Is Not Possible on AGNES
Please carefully read the class description to find out how to register. Sometimes you need to write an e-mail to the instructors (please note the deadline listed), or you just show up to the first session.
Registration for language courses and Berlin Perspectives courses
For language courses at the Language Centre, you need to register on their website. Please check if you need to take a c-Test beforehand and check when registration opens. You must be quick as language courses are very popular.
For Berlin Perspectives courses you register on AGNES as normal.
If you have any questions or problems with registration, please contact the responsible persons since we cannot help in these cases.
Accepted/Rejected From Classes
The weekend before the lecture period starts, you will receive an automatic e-mail if you receive a spot in the classes. You will also see that the “AN” symbol has changed on “schedules” to “ZU” (accepted). If you have been rejected, the class will no longer be shown.
If you do not receive a spot – DO NOT PANIC! Please write an e-mail to the instructor and/or show up to the first session to ask if you can still join their class. This procedure is normal since at HU many students register for several classes and then decide which ones to keep during the first week of the lecture period. Please do not send an e-mail to every instructor but only for the classes you are interested in, otherwise this will result in chaos.
If the instructor accepts you, then everything is fine and you do not need to do anything else. It does not matter if you are not registered for the class on AGNES since the creation of your Transcript in the end is separate from AGNES. It is just important that you are on your instructor’s list and that you have access to the Moodle course (if there is one).
PLEASE NOTE that we cannot see your class registration and we can also not contact instructors to ask for spots for you. Please talk to the instructors directly.
4. Complete SprachLit Course Confirmation and (Online) Learning Agreement "During"
4.1 Upload Complete SprachLit Course Confirmation
You have the first two weeks of the lecture period to decide which classes/modules you will actually take. Then, please upload your complete SprachLit CC as an interactive pdf-file until April 23, 2025.
Upload your completed SprachLit CC to the International Office-HU Box (= a cloud to share/upload/download files):
- Deadline for Upload: April 23, 2025
- Link: will be provided soon
- Name your PDF file as follows:
- Last Name_First Name_SprachlitCC_SoSe25.pdf
- Example: Asmus_Saskia_SprachlitCC_SoSe25.pdf
You have the first two weeks of the lecture period to decide which classes/modules you will actually take. Then, please upload your complete SprachLit CC as an interactive pdf-file until October 22, 2024 (for WiSe 24/25).
Upload your completed SprachLit CC to the International Office-HU Box (= a cloud to share/upload/download files):
- Deadline for Upload: October 22, 2024
- Link:
- Name your PDF file as follows:
- Last Name_First Name_SprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf
- Example: Asmus_Saskia_SprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf
- Please note: You don’t receive a confirmation after uploading your file! The upload was successful if the file name and “Hochgeladen” (uploaded) are displayed at the bottom of the box.
If there are any issues with your course choices, we will contact you.
Please note that this document is final. During the semester you will only be able to drop classes and/or exams, but you cannot add any classes or exams. If you drop any classes and/or exams, please e-mail the instructor and always let us know, because we must update your SprachLit CC.
4.2 (O)LA: During the Mobility
Only after confirming your final SprachLit CC can we sign the (O)LA: During the Mobility of your home university. Please send it to so that we can sign it digitally. Please check if you just need to list all of the classes you are taking or if you need to check deleted/added in relation to your LA: Before the Mobility. Please also make sure that everything is filled out (also your personal information and Saskia Asmus as the responsible person).
5. Accommodation for Disabilities and Psychological Help
Accommodation for Disabilities
- For class requirements
If you need accommodation for your in-class assignments and participation, please talk to your instructors to find an appropriate solution. You can use your support plan from your home university if you have one.
- For exams
In order to receive accommodation for exams, you must apply for it in advance and your request will be checked by the Prüfungsamt. Please contact as soon as possible so that they can help you with this application and please also let us know.
Psychological Help
- At HU Berlin: You can find information here.
- At Studierendenwerk Berlin: You can find information here.