Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Study Guides

In our Study Guides you can find an overview of possible modules /classes in your course of study. Study guides are available for most courses of study at SprachLit faculty. For some subjects without guides, the study and examination regulations must be used.

The Study Guides give an overview which components you need for each module (how many seminars, lectures etc.)., including info on the final module exam (MAP) and ECTS.

You can only take modules / courses listed in our Study Guides for your course of study!! So please only use our study guides to for the first step of class selection at SprachLit faculty.

(The only exception are the überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich = üWP classes. The courses of study at our faculty allow it, to take some classes for the aquisiton of interdisciplinary skills. That means you can take classes from other courses of study at the SprachLit faculty. Please note that these are special courses and are offered in a separate section of the course catalogue. Our Study Guides do not contain any üWP classes. The Study Guides only show the possible modules/courses in your degree programme/course of study.)

Depending on what you need you can choose differently from our Study Guides:

  • you can choose whole modules and get ECTS + exam/grade
  • Or you choose single classes, if you don’t need exam/grades. Then you will just receive ECTS for completed classes.

Please visit our website "At the Beginning" for the process of class selection!



Study Guides of Academic Year 2024/25 (Only for students of Winter Semester 24/25)

B.A. M.A.

B.A. German (Deutsch ohne Lehramtsoption)

B.A. German Literature (Deutsche Literatur)

B.A. German Linguistics (Germanistische Linguistik)

B.A. Historical Linguistics (Historische Linguistik)

B.A. American Studies (B.A. Amerikanistik)

B.A. English (B.A. Englisch)

B.A. Greek (B.A. Griechisch)

B.A. Latin (B.A. Latein)

B.A. French (B.A. Französisch)

B.A. Italian (B.A. Italienisch)

B.A. Spanish (B.A. Spanisch)

B.A. Russian (B.A. Russisch)

B.A. Slavic Languages and Literatures (B.A. Slawische Sprachen und Literaturen)

B.A. Hungarian Literature and Culture (B.A. Ungarische Literatur und Kultur)

B.A. Scandinavian/Northern European Studies (B.A. Skandinavistik/Nordeuropa-Studien)

M.A. German Literature (M.A. Deutsche Literatur)

M.A. Linguistics (M.A. Linguistik)

M.A. American Studies (M.A. Amerikanistik)

M.A. English Literatures (M.A. Englische Literaturen)

M.A. Classical Philology (M.A. Klassische Philologie)

M.A. Romance Cultures (M.A. Romanische Kulturen)

M.A. Cultures and Literatures of Central and Eastern Europe (M.A. Kulturen und Literaturen Mittel- und Osteuropas)

M.A. Slavic Languages (M.A. Slawische Sprachen)

M.A. Scandinavian/Northern European Studies (M.A. Skandinavistik/Nordeuropa-Studien)

M.A. European Literatures (M.A. Europäische Literaturen)

Euromaster for French and Francophone Studies (Euromaster Französische und Frankophone Studien)


► Special Modules for B.A. Exchange Students

The faculty offers special modules for exchange students for some courses of study. You can find the special modules directly in the Study Guides.

While some classes within these special modules are only taken by exchange students, in general, the special modules have the same classes as the regular courses of study, they just have another module structure that better suits the needs of Incoming students. Due to that they are usually very popular.

Please always check the course catalogue (AGNES) if all components of the special module are offered, otherwise you unfortunately cannot take it this semester.


Please visit our website "At the Beginning" for the process of class selection!