Colloquia, symposia & retreats
The Graduate Centre mainly organises interdisciplinary colloquia which are advertised here. In addition, symposia and retreats that are organised in collaboration with the Graduate Centre and/or that are open to doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences are advertised here.
Selected colloquia of the departments and programmes that are open to doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences will also be indicated below.
If there is a colloquium, symposium or retreat that is open to all doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences which you think should be advertised here, please share this with the Graduate Centre coordinator.
To support scientific exchange among doctoral candidates of our Faculty, the Graduate Centre Life Sciences funds symposia, which are organized by doctoral candidates for fellow doctoral candidates with up to 3,000 € per symposium.
Moreover, the Graduate Centre supports doctoral candidates and supervisors when applying for external funding for events and gives advice on organisational questions.
If you are interested, please contact the Graduate Centre coordinator.
Events of the Graduate Centre
Disciplinary events
Berlin Life Science Colloquium
ZIBI colloquia series
IRI Talks
ITB meeting
Institute for Theoretical Biology departmental seminar
Research colloquium in general psychology
Research colloquium in clinical psychology
Institute of Psychology departmental colloquium
Further transdisciplinary events
Lecture series Wissenschaft im Sauriersaal